Exam Unit 6 Test

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In terms of risk factors, cerebral vascular accidents (strokes) are most similar to
Myocardial infarctions
The most common cause of a transietn ischemic attack (TIA) is an obstruction of a cerebral artery by
A thrombus
In the pathophysiology of cerebral infarction, the release of which substance is associated with neuron hyperpolarization and seizure activity?
In subarachnoid hemorrage (SAH), blood acculates
In the cerebrospinal fluid (CFS) between the brain and the skull.
All of the following problems are complications of SAH except
Increased cerebral blood flow
An individual who is unable to visually recognize and identify objects because of injury to the sensory cortex has
A decrease in cerebral perfusion pressure (CCP) is related to which of the following physiologic changes?
Decreased arterial blood pressure
The displacement of teh temporal lobe into the tentorial notch resulting in brain stem compression is known as
Uncal herniation
Excess CSF accumulation in the ventricles or subarachnoid space is called
Rish factors for stroke symptomes include all of the following except
Anticoagulant medications
Intracerebral hemorrhages most frequently occur in the
Frontal and occipital lobes
Alzheimer disease
Is most prevelant as a late-onset dementia
Which of the following cerebral functions is not impaired in the dementia process?
Level of consciousness
Which of the following events initiates teh process of atherosclerosis?
Endothelial injury and the release of cytokines
Which of the following white blood cells play a role in hte development of the fatty streak in atherosclerosis