Unit 9 Civics

Unit 9 Civics

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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Raise money to influence elections and hopefully have legislation passed in their favor.
Characterizing a candidate as a person of
questionable character. Ex:
Senator Dole is labeled as unreliable and dishonest by her opponents.
Where do most Americans fall on the political spectrum?
In the middle
On the right of the political spectrum
Third parties
Impact government by identifying issues of concern that may be ignored by the two major parties
Smallest political division that is formed to organize workers
Exit polls
Surveys taken as people leave the polls and used by the media to predict election results
26th Amendment
Sets the voting age at 18 years old
15th Amendment
Right to vote can not be denied based upon race
23rd Amendment
Gave Washington, D.C. three electoral votes
19th Amendment
Right to vote can not be denied based upon sex
24th Amendment
Outlawed poll taxes
What a political party supports and say they believe in during an election
Closed primary
When only party members are allowed to vote in a primary election.
“Middle of the
Road” political ideology