US History Colonies Key Terms

Key terms from the period of colonialism in America

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Theory of mercantilism
Colonies exist to help main country
Mayflower Compact
Contract signed on ship agreeing to follow government
Roger Williams
Arrested for views (thought that land belonged to Native Americans, that people can worship freely), fled and founded Providence--guaranteed separation of church, state, religion
Anne Hutchison
Believed there was no use for church or ministers, banished and fled to Rhode Island
The Pequot War
Pequot nation took a stand against settlers, almost all died
King Philip's War
Metacom fed up (Natives forced to work) war lasted 2 years, Native American power gone from colonies afterwards
William Penn
Joined Quakers, started colony based on equality, religious freedom, cooperation
Cash crops
Crops grown in South for profit (tobacco, rice, indigo)
Indentured servants
People working in colonies in exchange for food, shelter, land
Headright system
People given 50 acres of land for paying for passage to New England
Triangular trade
Trade between West Indies, Africa, and New England; carried rum, fruit, tar, tobacco, slaves
The Middle Passage
Voyage that brought African slaves to West Indies
Stono Rebellion
Slaves gathered at Stono, killed planter families
Witchcraft trials in Salem
Girls from Salem blame seizures on witches, hundreds hung
The Enlightenment
People started thinking "outside of the box"--nothing is chance, everything is mathematical law