Veins and Special Circulation Cont.

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7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
What kind of vessel takes lymph to a lymph node?
Lymphatic vessels
The adenoids are also know as the ______ tonsils.
Pharyngeal tonsils
Which tonsils are found on the sides of the oral cavity?
Palatine tonsils
What tonsils are located at the back of the tongue?
Lingual tonsils
Blood is filtered by which lymph organ in the adult?
What part of the spleen is involved in producing lymphocytes?
White pulp
In the analysis of breast cancer, lymph nodes of the axillary region are removed and a biopsy is performed. The removal of the nodes is done to determine if cancer has spread from the breast to other regions of the body. What effect would removal of lymph nodes have on drainage of the pectoral region?