Viruses Vocabulary

Vocabulary words

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Lytic cycle
The virus enters its host cell, makes copies of itself and causes the host cell to burst
Lysogenic cycle
Viruses that merge their DNA into the DNA of the host cell which allows the viral genetic material to be copied along with the host cell's every time it divides. These tend to be viruses with dormant periods. Example- fever blisters
A virus that works backwards by make DNA copies of its RNA nucleic acid. Example - HIV
The name given to any infectious disease agent such as viruses and bacteria
Compounds that block the reproduction and growth of bacterial infections
Destroys all bacteria by subjecting them to great heat. ex. pasteurization
A chemical solution (Lysol or bleach) that kills pathogenic bacteria
A single stranded RNA molecule that have no surrounding protein capside
Infectious particle made up of only protein and no nucleic acid