War of 1812

A great set of flashcards perfect for studying and reviewing

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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How much did they spend in the Louisiana Purchase?
$15 million
1. Who was involved in the Louisiana Purchase that was the Emporer of France?
2. Who was the president that was involved in the Louisiana Purchase?
3.Who was the minister of Paris that was involved in the Louisiana Purchase?
1. Napoleon Bonaparte
2. James Madison
3.Robert R. Livingston
Who shot Alexander Hamilton in a dual for presidency?
Aaron Burr
1. What happened in June 1807?
2. What law did this lead to?
1.British shipped openfired on American ships
2.Embargo Act
1. What was the Embargo Act?2.What eventually happened to the Embargo Act?
1. A law stating that Americans couldn't trade with anyone in December 1807
2. It was removed
What is the definition of judicial review?
The power to declare an act of congress unconstitutional
Name one cause of the war of 1812
The impressment of U.S. sailors that were Britain born
What was the Non Intercourse Act?
A law that stated the America could trade with anyone but Britain and France
Who were the War Hawks?
A group of young men in congress in favor of going to war.
What War Hawk that was a leader came from Kentucky?
Henry Clay
What War Hawk that was a leader came from South Carolina?
John C. Calhoun
Who was the president at the time of the War of 1812?
James Madison
Define Munroe Doctrine
Told European powers not to interfere with Americans
Describe Convention of 1818
Set border with U.S. and Canada at 45 degrees N latitude
Who was James Munroe?
He was a president elected in 1818 that was involved in the Louisiana Purchase