WasteWater Test

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 201

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How would you stop foaming in an anaerobic digester?
Reduce the amount of sludge removed from the digester
If the F/M ratio is increased to an aeration basin and the operator wants to maintain the same dissolved oxygen level in the aerator what action would the operator take?
Increase the aeration rate
If an operator normally loads a digestor with 2,500 lbs/day of solids from a slude with an MLSS concentration of 6,000 mg/L, how many gallons per minute of sludge must be pumped?
In a new activated sludge plant, billows of white sudsy foam appear on the aeration tank. What process control step should the operator take?
Decrease WAS
What effect would a worn impellar have on a centrifugal pump?
Decrease efficiency
If an operating three phrase motor is driving a pump and one phrase is lost, what will happen?
The thermal overloads will stop the motor
What would be the cause of leaking around the seals and the plunger on a plunger pump?
Discharge head pressure too high
As grit accumulates in a grit chamber what happens to the velocity of the wastewater flow and the settleability of the grit?
Velocity increases and the settleabiltiy decreases
How would an increase in suspended solids effect the ultraviolet disinfection procress?
Process effeciency will be decreased
Slaking is the process of____________?
Adding quicklime to water
What type of fire extinguisher would you use for an oil and electrical fire?
Dry Chemical
What would cause a vacuum filter to produce a wet cake?
Drum speed too fast
What type of solids does an Imhoff cone measure?
What is the advantage of using a positive displacement pump for feeding chemicals?
They discharge a consistent volume
What combination of microorganisms would reflect a well balanced activated sludge?
Flagellates, ciliates, rotifers