Water Vapor

Flashcards to study for the Water Vapor quiz, and Water Planet unit test.

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Water changes from a liquid state to a gas state.
Water Vapor
The gas state of water.
What happens to a wet paper towel in an open cup?
The water in the towel evaporates, leaving the towel and becoming water vapor. The towel becomes dry when the liquid evaporates.
To put object in order by one property, like the amount of water left.
A tool used to measure temperature.
Surface Area
The area of a liquid exposed to or touching the air.
How does surface area of a volume of water affect evaporation?
The larger the surface area of a volume of water, the faster the water evaporates.
How does temperature affect evaporation?
The warmer the location, the faster the water evaporates.
Water vapor cools, loses energy and becomes liquid water.
Water vapor that has condensed and frozen.
Freezing Point
The temperature at which water changes state from liquid to solid. 32o F or 0o C.
Where does the water that forms on the outside of a cup of ice water come from?
When water vapor in the air touches a cool surface, it condenses into liquid.
What causes frost to form?
When water condenses on surfaces or in termperatures that are below the freezing point for water, the liquid water freezes to form frost.