Stuff for my exam

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The Egyptian Sun god
The star that ancient Egyptians used to indicate the start of the annual flooding of the Nile. It appeared at the same time every year just above the eastern horizon.
These People viewed themselves asmore suitable guardians of Egyptian values and cultural than the Libyans. They eventually forced the Lybians out of Egypt
Ancient Egypt, on its east and west borders, is/was protected by this natural barrier
The theocracy of ancient Egypt was a belief in the divinity of
The pharoah
The process of mummification was connected to the Egyptian belief in
An afterlife
The last 750 miles of the Nile functioned as a reliable system of transportation in Egypt largely because it
Flows in the opposite direction of the prevailing winds
In ancient egypt, the terms black land and red land refer to
Fertile land and desert
Egyptian theocracy is a form of government based on
Belief in the ruler as a god
After losing to the Assyrians, the Kushites
Retreated from Egypt to Meroe and experienced a golden age
What is the correct chronological order of pople who ruled over egypt
What was essential to the creation of the New Kingdom in Egypt
The defeat of the Hyksos
Under Piankhi, the Kushites captured the throne of
He is one of the to eyptian kings legend has it who united lower and upper Egypt
Scorpion King or Narmer
The number of dynasties to have ruled ancient egypt over a period of 2600 years is