Weather Study Guide

Weather study guide for second grade at Wellington Elementary.

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is weather?
Weather is what the air outside is like. If the air changes, the weather changes.
What is temperature?
Temperature is how hot or cold something is.
How is temperature measured?
Temperature is measured with a thermometer. A high number on the thermometer means it is warm, and a low number means it is cool.
What is wind?
Wind is moving air. We cannot see wind, butwe can see that it moves things. In a strong wind, a windsock would stand out straight.
Define the kinds of wind. Calm.
Calm is very, very little wind.
Define the kinds of wind. Breeze.
A breeze is wind that moves gently.
Define the kinds of wind. Gust.
A gust is a short burst of strong wind.
Define the kinds of wind. Storm.
A storm wind is a very strong wind.
Define the kinds of wind. Tornado.
Tornado winds are the strongest winds of all storms.
What are clouds made of?
Clouds are made of tiny water droplets.
What is the water cycle?
The water cycle is the movement of water from the air to Earth and back again.
Identify four types of clouds.
Cirrus Stratus Cumulus Fog
What is a Cirrus cloud?
Cirrus clouds are wispy, feathery clouds.
What is a Stratus cloud?
Stratus clouds are thick, gray clouds.
What is a Cumulus cloud?
A Cumulus cloud is white and puffy.