Western Civilization Ch. 2 Vocabulary

Exploration a nd expan

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A light, fast sailing ship with a rudder and latlen sails
Sail completely around the world
A colonist was given a certain amount of land and a number of Native Americans to work the land
Officials who ruled large areas in the king of spain's name
Treaty of Tordesillas
Signed in 1494, it drew an imaginary line through the Alantic just west of Azores/ west of line Spain/ east portugal
Columbian Exchange
The widespread exchange of plants, animals, and disease
A new type of economic policy that claimed a nations strenght depended on its wealth
Balance of trade
A favorable balance was when a countries exports exceeded their imports
Government grants of money to help businesses start new industries
An economic system whereby most economic activity is carried on by private individuals or organizations to seek profits
Joint-stock company
Investors bought shares of stock in a co. and if they achieved a profit, each shareholder would receive a portion(i.e. British East Indies co. Virginia co. landed in 1607 in Jamestown, Va.)
Estates where cash crops were grown on a large scale(i.e. tobacco and sugar)
Triangular trade
A network of trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas
Middle Passage
This leg brought Africans to the Americans to be sold as slaves