The Workforce Shifts from Blue-to White Collar Jobs

Jobs in the 1 960's

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What jobs did the blue collars the largest part of the work force, have?
Factory working, plumbing, or auto
What jobs did white collar have, and how were they paid?
Professional jobs doctors, engineers, lawyers, sales people, managers, and office staff. Yearly salary than a hourly wage.
How did the middle class rise from the 1950's-1920's economically?
Had more income
What is real income in the 1950's?
The amount of goods and services money will buy regardless of infaltion
What happened to the blue collar's social rank?
They moved up to the middle class
Why were they called blue collars?
Durable blue shirts that manual workers often wore to work
Why were they called white collars?
They wore shirts to work without fear of getting it dirty