World Geography Final

Studyguide for the exam on 6/2. Review and Help!

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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5 themes and be able to apply them
1- Skills: Map2- Place: What's it like? (physical features)3- Interaction: How did the people adapt to the environment or change it?4- Region: How are places similar or different? (Language, Religion)5- Association and Movement: How do people, places, and ideas get to one place to another? (Trade and economy)6- Location: Where is it?(Absolute and relative)
How have the people altered the landscape in Europe?
Cut down forest for houses, lumber, and farming
What you pass traveling to Londen to Rome?
English Channel, France, Alps, (maybe switzerland), Italy
Where is the population concentrated in Northern Eurasia and why?
Close to Europe Russia - west or ural mountains (bestclimate)
Whate is communism and what countries have this type of system?
Government controls economy and rights. everyone-equal. china, cuba, north korea, vietnam
Cause and conflicts for Northern ireland, korea, south asia, and israel
Religion except korea government & result in civil wars
Nationalism-problem for africa
Patroisim & they are loyal to tribes and so conflict in own country
What factors impacts africas climate the most?
Equator, water, elevation
Resources from africa & population
Diamonds, gold, oil ( war
When and why did african countries become independent?
Once rules by france and they ended wwII - freedomm & they havent learned to control themselves
Contient is Aids and why
Africa- not many doctors, no prevention, education, share needles, rape,
What is polytheism and worlds main polythism relgins
Believe in multiple gods hindiuism and buddism
Monsoon and which affect does it has on south asia
Floods crop