World War 1

World War 1

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What was believed to be the Instant cause of world war one?
The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Who was Francis Ferdinand?
Archduke of Austria-Este, Austria Hungarian Prince of Hungary
Who assassinated Francis Ferdinand?
A young Serbian Nationalist Named Gavrilo Princip
3 Main long term cause of WWI
-the system of alliances guaranteed coming to eachothers aid -Constant conflict in the Balkans (Balkan Crises) -Imperialism (grabbing of colonies)
2 Major battles of WWI
Vimy Somme
Two new chemical warfare weapons used in WWI
Chlorine gas Mustard Gas
When did USA enter the war
What treaty ended the war, and where was it signed
The treaty of versallies signed at the paris peace confrence ended the war
What did germany have to sacrifice once the treaty of versallies was signed
Had to pay huge reperations blaming germany soley responsible for war
What main countries made up the triple entente
Britan, Russia, France
What main countries made up the triple alliance?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy (later to drop out)
Who was the prime minister of canada during wwI?
Prime Minister Robert Borden
Who was the current leader of Russia during WWI?
Tsar Nicolas II
Who was the German Leader During WWI?
Kaiser II
Who was the leader of Austria-Hungary During wwI?
Emporer France Joseph