Describe the Cause of World War 2 Flashcards

Here is the list of flashcards which is based on the events which describe how and what are the causes of world war 2 in the form of flashcard quizzes. Try to attempt these quizzes and get your basics clear related to world war 2. Learn every description related to world war 2 and become the master of it.

9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are some examples of Hitler's growing military aggression in the late 1930s?
Some of Hitler's growing military aggression included Hitler militarizing the Rhineland which violated the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler also secretly militarized Germany. Germany then threatened to attack Czechoslovakia if they did not surrender.
How would you describe Neville Chamberlain's policy toward Hitler in the late 1930s?
Chamberlain's policy was the policy of appeasement, or giving in to aggressive demands in order to maintain peace, had prevented an unnecessary war.
Who were the axis powers?
The axis powers were Germany, Italy, and Japan which resulted from a series of agreements that joined them together in a military alliance.
Why do you think Hitler sought allies in the late 1930s?
Being in an alliance put him in a league with some of the world's other major aggressors.
What do you think about Stalin's decision to make a deal with Hitler rather than trust the British and French to help stop the Germans? Explain
Stalin joined with Germany because he had lost trust in the British and the French. Also he joined Germany to sought protection because Germany expansion threatened his nation.
What event marked the start of WWII?
On September 1, 1939 Hitler launched an attack on Poland which started WWII.
Describe Germany's successes and failures in France, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union.
Germany's successes and failures was France surrendering to Germany, in Great Britain Hitler was forced to call of his plans for invasion, in the Soviet Union Germany also could not fight the Soviet forces.
What events led up to the attack on Pearl Harbor?
The Americans had cut off their sale of oil to Japan to stop the Japanese war machine.
What was the significance of the attack on Pearl Harbor in terms of American public opinion?
The idea of isolationism(avoiding involvement in affairs of other nations) in the United States quickly disappeared and the United States declared war on Japan.