What Are Wound Care Techniques Definitions Flashcards

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Approximated wound edges
Edges of a wound that are lightly pulled together; epithelialization of wound margins. Edges appear to be touching; wound appears closed.
Accidental separation of wound edges, especially a surgical wound
Discoloration of an area resulting from infiltration of blood into the subcutaneous tissue
Accumulation of fluid in the interstitial tissues
Epithelial cells move across the surface of a wound margin (approximation); tissue color ranges from the color of “ground glass” to pink
Redness or inflammation of an area as a result of dilation and congestion of capillaries
A thick, leathery scab or dry crust composed of dead cells and dried plasma
Granulation tissue:
New tissueis deep pink/red and composed of fibroblastandsmall blood vessels that fill an openwound when it starts to heal; irregular likerberries
Condition characterized by a body temperature below 96.8°F
Insufficient blood supply to a body part due to obstruction of circulation
Yellownesswhites of eyes, as a result of deposition of bile pigment resulting from excess bilirubin in the blood
Softening of tissue due to excessive moistur
Localized tissue death
Nosocomial infection
Infection acquired while receiving healthcare
Microorganisms that can harm humans