385 Chapter 3 Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis

Exam 1 

51 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

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Purposes of clinical assessment x4
- to understand the individual - to predict behavior - to plan treatment - to evaluate treatment outcome
Why would abnormal psych be analogous to a funnel
- starts broad- multidimensional in approach - narrow to specific problem areas
What are the 3 concepts that determine value of assessment
- reliability- validity - standardization
Consistency is measurement
What the test measures and how well it does so
Standards and norms help ensure consistency in the use of a technique
Can a test be reliable but not valid?
Can a test be valid but not reliable?
Most common clinical assessment method can be structured or semi-structured
Clinical interview
What does the mental status exam look at x5
- appearance and behavior - thought processes - mood and affect- intellectual functioning - sensorium
What can you take to check if mental disorders are associated with physical disorders?
Physical exam
Focuses on here and nowtends to be direct and minimally inferential purpose is to identify problematic behaviours and situationsidentify antecedents, behaviours and consequences
Behavioural assessment
Can be either formal or informal with self-monitoring vs. others observingproblem of reactivity using direct observation methods
Behavioural observation and behavioural assessment
Project aspects of personality onto ambiguous test stimuli where reliability and validity data tend to be mixed
Projective tests
Projective tests roots in
Psychoanalytic tradition