8th Grade SS 2nd Semester Review

8th grade SS 2nd Seme

68 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
A tax on imports
Official count of the population
Attempt to ruin opponents reputation through insults
War Hawks
Young republicans elected to congress in 1810 who pushed for war with Great Britain, supported westward expansion, and economic developments
Winning by a large margin
Favorite Son Candidate
Candidate who receives backing from home state
The right to vote
Trade Union
Organization of workers with the same trade of skill
Log Cabin Campaign
Symbolized the candidate as a “man of the people”
Underground Railroad
Network of safe houses/escape routes leading slaves out of the south
Judicial Review
established in Marbury V Madison 3 points: Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, if there is a questions between a law and the constitution the constitution must be followed, Supreme Court determines if laws violate the constitution
Clipper Ships
ocean-going vessels
What two warnings did Washington issue the U.S. in his farewell address?
Political parties would tear the nation apart and stay away from foreign alliances
Compare and Contrast the first two political parties, the Federalist and the Democratic-Republicans.
Federalist wanted a strong national government. The Democratic-Republicans supported strong state governments.
Who was the chief justice of the United States that said the Constitution and the federal government are under the people’s authority?
John Marshall