Top 2nd Semester Flashcards

Welcome to the 2nd semester flashcards! With these cards we will test your mettle in history, animal medicine and science. These sets of flashcards provide you with comprehensive and detailed definitions of terms involved in animal medicine and we provide review and sample questions for the 2nd semester test. Ever wonder what the seasons are caused by? You’ll be an expert when you are done with our science flashcards.

We will also cover critical moments in history like World War I, World War II and the Punic Wars. We introduce the influential people of Egypt named Cleopatra, Marc Antony and Octavian and discuss what ultimately led to Cleopatra and Marc Antony’s suicide. Once you've studied these cards, you will know what role Schindler played in saving Jews, who wrote the 95 Theses, what side the United States was on during World War I as well as other historical events of the world.