U.S. History 2nd Semester Exam Review

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Abraham Lincoln
U.S. president during the civil war, preserved union, made emancipation proclamation, assasinated in 1865
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Said slaves were property not citizens, congress would have nothing to do with slavery, terrtiorys would decide
John O'Sullivan
1st person to use term "manifest destiney", he used it to promote the annaxation of texas
Andrew Jackson
Involoved in battle of new orleans in 1812, common mans president, vetoed 2nd national back, responsible for trail of tears
Andrew Johnson
Vice president of lincoln, became pres. after lincoln died,president of most of reconstruction era, impeached
Robert E. Lee
Resigned from U.S. forces to join confederates, commander of the army of north virginia, surrendered at appotmatox courthouse
Henry David Thoreau
Didnt pay taxes because he didnt want to support a goverment that supported slavery, wrote "civil disobedience"
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Wrote uncle toms cabin, showed horrors of slavery
Ulysses S. Grant
Commander of Union Army
Effects of the War of 1812
Improved U.S. army, Bristish Blockades of americas coast made a shortage of cotton products, america started making its own products,america gains independence, Francis Scott Key wrote star spangled banner
War of Mexico
Between U.S. and Mexico, both wanted texas, border disbute, treaty of guadalupe ends war
Economics of manifest destiney
New land for farmers, new trade routes, new opportunities to start a buisness
Political of manifest destiney
Expansion of nations borders and slavery
Social of manifest destiney
Remove native americans, refuge for persacuted groups
Areas bought to form the U.S.
Louisiana territory, texas, mexican cession, gadsen purchase, oregon territory