US History 2nd Semester Final

2nd Semester Final

96 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What Hawaiian leader opposed US annexation?
Queen Liliukolani
What was the immediate cause of the Spanish American War?
American newspapers claimed that the Spanish blew up the USS Maine
What president is responsible for constructing the Panama Canal?
T. Roosevelt
How can T. Roosevelt’s approach to foreign policy be best categorized?
“Speak softly and carry a big stick”
What did the Open Door Policy state?
Nations should share their trading rights with the US , thus creating an open door
The word that describes a tax on imported goods is?
How did women benefit from their efforts during WWI?
Women moved into jobs that had been traditionally held by men. This helped to bolster support for woman suffrage. Women were then finally granted the right to vote.
What happened as a result of American troops joining the Allied army during WWI?
The Americans arrived in France in time to stop the German advance at Cantigny in France.
What were the causes of WWI?
Nationalism, imperialism, militarism and the formation of a system of alliances
The return of 4.5 million soldiers after WWI had what effect on the US economy?
Returning soldiers faced unemployment or took their old jobs away from women and minorities. The cost of living had doubled. Farmers and factory workers suffered as wartime orders diminished.
Why did the US Senate refuse to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?
Because it did not give Congress the constitutional right to declare war.
What were some of the outcomes of WWI?
Accelerated America’s emergence as the world’s greatest industrial power, contributed to the movement of African Americans to Northern cities, intensified anti immigrant and anti radical sentiments among mainstream Americans, brought over 100,000,000 women into the work force
What were some of the goals of the progressive movement?
Government reform, Social reform, Prohibition
In the 20th century, what does the Great Migration refer to?
Southern blacks moving to cities in the North
What was the general policy of the government toward industry in the early 1920’s?
They supported industry and not the employees