A&P Chapter 5 Flashcards

Here is the set of flashcards based on the A&P Chapter 5. Learn everything about the A&P Chapter 5 and become a master of this topic with quiz based flashcards.

91 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A group of similar cells and extracellular material that perform certain functions
Four Main Types of Tissue
Epithelial, Connective, Muscular, Nervous
Single Layer of thin, flat cells
Simple Squamous Epithilium
Rapid diffusion, filtration, and some secretion in serous membranes
Simple Squamous Epithilium
Air sacs in lungs, lining of lumen of lymph vessels and blood vessels
Simple Squamous Epithilium
Single layer of cells about as tall as they are wide
Simple cuboidal epithilium
Absoption and secretion
Simple cuboidal epithilium
Kidney tubules, ducts and secretory regions of most glands
Simple cuboidal epithilium
Single layer of cells taller than they are wide, with nucleus oriented lengthwise in basal region
Nonciliated simple columnar epithlium
Absorption and secretion, secretion of mucin
Nonciliated simple columnar epithilium
Lining of most of digestive track
Nonciliated simple columnar epithilium
Single layer of cells taller than they are wide, with nucleus oriented lengthwise in basal region; ciliated
Ciliated simple columnar epithilium
Secretion of mucin and movement of mucus along apical surface of epithilium by cilia; oocyte movement through the uterine tube
Ciliated simple columnar epithilium
Single layer of cells with varying heights, all cells connect to basement membrane, not all cells reach apical surface
Nonciliated/ciliated pseudostatified columnar epithilium
Protection/in ciliated form movement of mucus across surface
Nonciliated/ciliated pseudostatified columnar epithilium