Basics of Diagnostic Coding Chapter 15 Flashcards

Here is everything related to Basics of Diagnostic Coding Chapter 15 definitions, terms, and much more in the form of flashcards. Get the best knowledge regarding the Basics of Diagnostic Coding with the help of Flashcards. Learn with fun and Grow. ​

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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True or false, You would find "See additional diagnosis" in the ICD9 book.
True or false, a secondary diagnosis is always used to explain the patient's condition
True or false, E codes are supplementary classification of external causes of injuries and poisoning
True or false, osteoarthritis would not be used as an E code?
What is a V code?
A code used either when the patient is not currently ill or to explain problems that influence a patient's current illness, condition or injury.
True or false, V codes are supplementary classification of factors influencing health status and contact with health services. (i.e. preventative, admission, history)
True or false, congestive heart failure would be used as a V code
True or false, ICD9 codes are used to prove medical necessity of the services perfomed?
True or false, Any diagnosis that is suspected, probable, questionable etc and has not been listed as a definitive diagnosis cannot be used in professional billing?
True or false, the diagnosis of suspected pneumonia can be used for billing
True or false, You should always read and follow any instructional notes given?
What does NOS mean?
NOS means not otherwise specified or unspecified per the ICD9 book.
True or false, Not objectively specified would explain NOS?
True or false, "And" is interpreted as and/or in the ICD9 book
The triagle symbol represents?
The triangle symbol represents a revision of text.