Bio Ch. 9 Topic 10 Cell Division and Mitosis

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A disease of unregulated cell division: cells divide inappropriately and accumulate in some instances forming a tumour.

failure to stop growing when they hit other cells

failure to go through apoptosis
sustainted angiogensis (stimulate blood vessle growth)
tissu invarion and metastatis
Why do cells divide
Embryotic development

cell replacement

wound healing.
The treatment of disease, specifically caner, the use of chemicals.
Cell division
The process by which a cell reprodcues iteself; cell division is important for normal growth, development and repair of organsim
How cells reproduce (cell cycle)
Interphase - g1 (cell enlarges, creates additional cytoplasm, and begins to produce new organelles.)
-s-phase ( DNA replication occurs. each chromosome is replicated to produce two identical sister chromatids.
-g2 phase. the final prepatory phase where cell prepares for division.

mitosis and cytokinesis.
Segregation and separation of dupicated chromosomes during cell division.
Sister chromatid
One of the two identical DNA molecules that make up a duplicated chromosome following DNA replication
The specialized region of a chromosome where the sister chromosomes are joined. this site is critical for proper allignment ans separation of sister chromatids during mitosis.
The physical division of a cell into two daughter cells.
Phases of mitosis
-each chromosome replicates and chromatids loosly gather in nucleus
-relicated chromosomes coil up and the nuclear membrane begins to come apart. protein fibers of the mitoic spindle start to form.
-chromosomes condense (shorten) so that they can be separated. spindle fibers attach to chromosomes on both sides at the centromere region
-spindle fibers from opposite ends of the cell pull on chromosomes. chromosomes are alligned along the middle of the cell.
-spindle fibers shorten and pull sister chromatids to opposite ends of cell.
-an identical set of chromosomes reaches each side. spindle fibers disemble. nucelar membrane froms around each set of chromosomes forming the daughter cell nuclei.
Cell cycle checkpoint
A cellular mechanism that ensures each stage of the cell cycle is completed accruately
Programmed cell death.
Spread of cancer cells from one location to the other.
Radiation therapy
The use of ionizing (high energy) radiation to treat cancer.
Multiple hit hypothesis
Cancer is a disease of old age so its hypothesized that multiple mutations lead to unregulated cell growth.
-not stopped by natural selection because it occurs after age to have kids.

mutations 1&2 cells divide faster
3-cell changes structure
4-invades tissue.

more than one cell or if genes regulating tissue are damaged theres an increased risk of cancer.