Chapter 4: Listening Effectively

Communication s chapte

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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A physiological activity that occurs when sound waves hit our earsdrums
An active, complex process that includes being mindful, physically recieving messages, selecting and organizing information, interpreting communication, responding,and remembering
Being fully engaged in the moment
Pretnding to listen
Hogging the stage by continually focusing communication on ourselves instead of on the person talking
Defensive listening
Involves percieving personal attacks, criticisms, or hostile undertones in communication when no offense is intended
Listening carefully for the purpose of attacking
Literal listening
Listening only to the content level of meaning and ignoring the realtionship level of meaning
Informational listening
Listening to gain and understand information
Critical listening
Listen to form opinions, to make judgments, or to evaluate people and ideas
Relational listening
Listening to be supportive; focusing on relational level of meaning
A method of clarifying another's meaning or needs by reflecting our interpretations of his or her communication back to him or her
Minimal encouragers
Responses that express interest in hearing more and thus gently invite another person to elaborate