Chapter 8 Budgets and Financial Records

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Disposable income
The money you have left to spend or save after taxes have been paid.
Financial plan
A program fpr spending, savings and investing the money you earn.
A spending and saving plan based on your expected income and expenses.
Fixed Expenses
Are costs you are obligated to pay at specific times, regardless of other events.
Variable Expenses
Are costs that vary in amount and type, depending on events and the choices you make.
A list of items of value that peraon owns.
Amounts of money that are owed to others.
Net worth
The difference between the two.
A legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties to do or not to do something.
Mutual assent
When an offer is made and accepted.
Is anything of value exchanged as part of a contract.
Negotiable Instrument
Is an unconditional written promise to pay a specified sum of money upon demand of the holder.
Is a person who promises to pay the note if the maker fails to pay.
Is a statement about a product's qualities or performance that the seller assures the buyer are true
Is a computer program that organizes dara in columns and rows and can perform calculations using the data.