CPE Diagnosis (test 2) (short Version)

CPE Diagnosis test 2 material. Covers from cardiomyopathy to Pulmonary Embolism from the shortened study guide.  Enjoy!

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the leading cause of heart transplant?
Dilated cardiac chambers & Systolic dysfunction of 1 or both of the ventricles in absence of congenital factors is characteristic of what?
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
T/F:Males are 3x's more likely to develop cardiomyopathy than women
T/F:Alcoholism is a predisposing risk factor for Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
False; Dialated cardiomyopathy
What type of cardiomyopathy has a genetic correlation?
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
T/F:Sudden death is a common complication of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Infectious Myocarditis commonly follows what type of infection?
Upper respiratory tract infection
What is the MC form of infectious myocarditis?
Viral Myocarditis
What virus is the MC cause of viral myocarditis?
Coxackie virus
T/F:Infectious myocarditis may lead to Hypertrophic myocarditis
False; Dilated Myocarditis
What is the set of diagnostic criteria for endocarditis known as?
Duke Criteria
Friction rubs on an EKG are pathonuemonic for what condition?
Acute Pericarditis
Which type of Pericarditis is considered to be insidious?
Chronic pericarditis
T/F:Chronic Pericarditis is considered to be painless
What is the hallmark of Chronic Pericarditis?