Functions of Money

It covers the nature and functions of money and then discusses the definition of the money supply.

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It is the set of financial assets in an economy that is generally accepted in exchange for other goods, is used as a reference in valuing other goods, and can be stored as wealth.
The functions of money
1)medium of exchange(facilitates the exchange)Example:buying and selling2)unit of account(yardstick for measuring the values and prices)Example:dollars and cents3)store of value(not need to spend it immediately upon receiving it and it transfer purchasing power from the present to the future.)Example:checking account
The more easily and cheaply an asset can be converted into spending power, the more liquid it is.
Economists have developed different measures of money and have called them
M1, M2 and M3.
1)currency in circulation--->coins and paper money held by public2)demand /checkable deposits--->Current accounts
Token money
Means its intrinsic value is less than actual value.
M1 + Narrow quasi-money
Narrow quasi-money include:
1.Noncheckable saving accounts (Savings deposits).
2.Money market deposit accounts (NCDs).
3.Money market mutual fund balances, (Repos, and foreign currency deposits).
4.Small time deposits (fixed deposits).
Broadest measure for money and it includes some of the “longer-term” money market instruments.(very non-liquid assets)Example:assets of mostly large businesses and institutions
Four players in Money Supply Process
(1) The Central Bank
(2) The banking system (i.e. depository institutions)
(3) Depositors
(4) Borrowers
The Central bank
An institution that oversees the banking system and regulates the money supply. Example:the Central Bank in U.S. is the Federal Reserve (Fed)
Central bank has 3 key functions
1.Regulates banks to ensure they follow federal laws intended to promote safe and sound banking practices.
2.Acts as a banker’s bank, making loans to banks and as a lender of last resort.
3.Conducts monetary policy by controlling the money supply.
Money supply
The quantity of money available in the economy.
Monetary policy
It is setting of the money supply by policymakers in the central bank
How policymakers in the central bank manage the money supply?
They use one of its three major tools:1)open market operation2)serve requirement3)discount window lending