Fitness For Life Final

Review For Fitness  For Life Final

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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5 Physical assessments that we use to measure your overall fitness.
1-Cardiovascular endurance-1.5 mile run, ammount of O2 taken in and used2-Muscle Strength-bench/leg press-how much work can be done.3-Muscle Endurance-1 minute situps, pushups, and crunches-how long work can be done for.4-Flexibility-shoulder reach, trunk flexation-range of motion at the joint5-Body Composition-caliper/pinch test-%body fat, ratio of fat to lean body mass 4-15% men, 9-25% female.
6 elements of Wellness and health
1-physical-30 min exercise a day, increases immune system, prevents injury, self confidence, releases endorphines, prevents depression2-emotional-guys are unhealthy for reacting too quick, girls for holding on too long, Crying is good, Affected by drugs, sleep, friends, fam, crisis/disaster3-social-Communication, know peoples names, average person only has 3-5 really good friends who they could share anything with.4-intellectual-Learn to learn, not to just get a grade, learn to study and problem solve, read, write, [roblem solving puzzles, math5-environmental-Take care of planet. carpool, recycle, water and air quality are horrible6-spiritual-sense of meaning or purpose, realizing something bigger than us...creator, contemplate life, meditate, commune with nature.
Purpose of 1-stretching, 2-warmup, and 3-cooldown.
1-Loosens Muscles, Removes lactic acid, Spreads synovial fluid, increases power.2-increases blood flow to heart & muscles, Prevents injury, Spreads synovial fluid3-gets rid of lactic acid
Define Flexibility
The ability to move joints freely through their full range of motion.
5 principles of strength training.
1-Overload Principle-Stretch muscles to tolerable limits, no pain no gain,Know threshold of pain and exceed it.  Without overload, there is no improvement2-Reversibility-If you don't use it you'll lose it, 4 weeks of no exercise=50% loss of net gain.3-Re cooperation-sufficient time between workouts to rest.  24 hours aerobic, 48-72 hours for strength (lifting), over-training=not enough recovery time, sleep is essential, as is rest between reps.4-Specificity Principle-Exercise training specific to muscles involved in the activity.  People are faster & stronger today because of specific training.5-Progression-Increase gradually over the course of training program.  pushups/situps- upping amount daily/weekly, 
6 Essential Nutrients
1-Fat-9 cal energy/gram,needed for normal brain activity, myelin sheath, long term food storage, good skin, protection of internal organs, insulation2-Carbohydrates-4 cal energy/gram,95% of all short term energy, 2 types of carbs: simple and complex.  Simple: sugar, flour, rice.  Complex: fruits, veggies, grains, nuts.3-Protein-4 cal energy/gram, Build and repair muscle, .8 grams per each 22 pounds of body weight.  Take supplements AFTER workout.  4-Water-64oz a day, cooling, regulates body temp, aids in energy production, 2% drop in body water is noticeable, 4% is fatal5/6-Vitamins & minerals-Acts as catalyst to drive chemical reactions, Take liquid ones, not chewable
Considerations of exercise programs fr special populations
1-Orthopedic problems-pecs, quads, hams, and lats(4 major muscle groups) are all neurologically connected, When breaking a femur, muscle atrophy (up to 80%) is biggest problem, Working the 4 major muscle groups will reduce atrophy by 90%2-Obese-50% body fat +, Heart is number one concern, Continuous movement for one hour before raising intensity level. 3-Diabetes-Type 1-juvenile, Type 2 is adult onset, controlled by insulin, diet and exercise, Type 2 is hereditary or caused by diet, Diabetics can exercise same intensity, just not as long4-Asthma-Alveoli in lungs are slightly closed off, O2 Can't be pulled in easily, 60 degrees or less is hard, cold,, humidity , pollution, smoke, and elevation are all bad.  Inhaler is a steroid that opens up alveoli, can be grown out of by pushing limits.  Can exercise just as long as anyone else.5-Prego-3 questions: Have you seen doctor?  Is pregnancy normal?  Is the exercise something you have been doing?  Never start doing a new workout while prego., but you may continue any current activity, Exercise is good for mom and baby, Heart rate below 140, temp below 100 degrees, good footware,  Nursing fat can be spot reduced, nursing will reduce that in 6-9 months, if you don't nurse, its 3-9 years.6-Aging -40+-not as flexible, should get regular physicals.  Men every year after 40, women after 50.  You can keep 80% of strength til the day you die, if you take care of yourself.  90% of aerobic capacity can be saved7-Battle of the sexes-Men will be bigger faster and stronger if conditions are equal.  heart size, muscle cell size.  testosterone.  Girls have finer motor skills.
Know 2 branches of ANS.
1-Sympathetic-Fight or flight- in control when we need to respond to and react to challenges.2-Parasympathetic-Dominant at rest, controls energy conservation and restoration process
2 hormones that play significant roles in weight control.
Leptin (appears to depress appetite) & Ghrelin (Contributes to feelings of hunger)
Changes associated with aging.
Decrease in cardiorespiratory function, increase in body fat, more fragile skeletal system.*most are caused by lack of physical exercise.
Motor unit
Single neuron and all the muscle cells it affects/uses
Increase in muscle size due to increase of fiber size
Concentric contraction
Causes movement of body part against resistance of gravity, and occurs when muscle shortens
Eccentric contraction
Control movement with resistance or gravity, and occur when the muscle lengthens.
1-Pulmonary circuit2-Systemic circuit
1-right side of heart pumps O2 depleted blood to lungs2-left side pumps O2 rich blood to the entire body