Marketing Research, Chapter 15

Marketing Research, Chapter 15

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Simple-dichotomy (dichotomous-alternative) question
A fixed-alternative question that requires the respondent to choose one of two alternatives
Determinant-choice question
A fixed-alternative question that requires the respondent to choose one response from among multiple alternatives
Frequency-determination question
A fixed-alternative question that asks for an answer about general frequency of occurence
Checklist question
A fixed-alternative question that allows the respondent to provide multiple answers to a single question by checking off items
Leading question
A question that suggests or implies certain answers
Loaded question
A question that suggests a socially desirable answer or is emotionally charged
Counterbiasing statement
An introductory statement or preamble to a potentially embarrassing question that reduces a respondent's reluctance to answer by suggesting that certain behavior is not unusual
Split-ballot technique
Using two alternative phrasings of the same question for respective halves of a sample to elicit a more accurate total response than would a single phrasing
Double-barreled question
A question that may induce bias because it covers two issues at once
Unaided recall
Asking respondents to remember something without providing any clue
Asking the respondent to remember something and giving them a clue to help
Order bias
Bias caused by the influence of earlier questions in a questionnaire or by an answer's position in a set of answers
Funnel technique
Asking general questions before specific questions in order to obtain unbiased responses
Filter question
A question that screens out respondents who are not qualified to answer a second question
Pivot question
A filter question used to determine which version of a second question will be asked