Money & Banking Chapter 7

Key terms and concepts of Chapter 7

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Exists when one party to a transaction knows more than the other party
Asymmetric information
What does asymmetric information lead to?
Adverse selection
Those most eager to make a deal are the least desirable to the other party
Adverse selection
Poor-quality used cars
What markets does adverse selection affect?
Stock and bond markets
Is overvalued or undervalued stock considered a lemon?
In bond markets, what type of default risk is common for adverse selection?
High default risk
The hazard of harmful behavior during adverse selection
Moral hazard
When does moral hazard arise in financial markets?
When savers cannot observe the actions of firms that issue securities
When does moral hazard in stock markets occur?
When managers behave in ways that benefit themselves at the expense of the owners
How can savers reduce moral hazard and adverse selection?
By gathering information and monitoring firms
Who reduces moral hazard by monitoring managers?
Board of directors
A financial institution that owns large shares in private companies
Private equity firms
What are the two types of private equity firms?
Takeover firms and venture capital firms
Private equity firms that buy entire companies and try to increase the companies' profits
Takeover firms