Personal Finance Chapter 12

Personal finance

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Health insurance
a type of
insurance offered by private insurance companies or the government that covers health care expenses incurred by policyholders for necessary
medical care
How many workers are uninsured...
•About 1 in 5 workers is uninsured
Private health insurance
Health insurance that can be purchased from private insurance companies to provide coverage for health care expenses
Hospitalization insurance
Insurance that covers the cost of many hospital facility and service fees
Surgical expense insurance
Insurance that covers the cost of some surgeries
Physician expense coverage
Insurance that covers the cost of many nonsurgical physician expense fees
Major medical insurance
Insurance used as a backup to basic health insurance, covering major medical expenses that are beyond the scope of the basic policy
Options for purchasing private
health insurance
•Many employers offer health insurance as part of benefit package •Cost usually shared between employee
and employerSelf-employed individuals must pay entire cost of their health insurance
Indemnity plan
Health insurance that reimburses individuals for part or all of the expenses they incur from health care providers; individuals are free to decide whether to seek care from a primary care physician or a specialist
Managed health care plan
A health insurance policy under which individuals receive services from specific doctors or hospitals that are part of the plan
Health maintenance organization (HMO)
A health insurance plan that covers health care services approved by doctors; a primary care physician provided general health services and refers patients to a specialist as necessary
Preferred provider organization (PPO)
A health insurance plan that allows individuals to select a health care provider and covers most of the fees for services
Discount on charge arrangement
An arrangement
in which the preferred provider organization agrees
to pay a specific percentage of the health care
provider’s charges
Per diem rate arrangement
An arrangement in which the preferred provider organization pays the provider a specific sum per day a patient is hospitalized
Premiums for private health
care insurance
Employers may offer individual or
family coverage