Answer These Theory of Moist Wound Healing Flashcards

​Learn and study the Theory of moist wound healing with our flashcards quizzes. Study, learn and revise the Theory of moist wound healing with our quiz based flashcards. This flashcard is simple and easy to use and is more fun-oriented.

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is exudate?
Liquid produced in response to tissu damage
Comes from fluid that leaks from blood vessels
Resembles blood plasma
What is the theory of moist wound healing?
Mimics the function of the epidermis
The natural environment of a cell is moist
Who is George Winter?
Discovered the principle of moist wound healing
How do partial thickness wounds heal?
By re-epithelialization
regeneration of the epidermis across the wound surface
How do full thickness wounds heal?
From the bottom up
in four phases
Main function of hemostasis phase?
Clot formation
Secretion of growth factor
What characteristics are seen in the inflammatory phase?
How long does the inflammatory phase last in acute wounds?
Chronic wounds?
4-6 days
Longer than 4-6 days
What 2 Cells arrive in the inflammatory phase?
Neutrophils-to destroy bacteria
Macrophages-later to clean the wound
Main function of the inflammatory phase?
Remove debris
How long should the inflammatory phase of wound healing last?
4-24 days
Main function of the proliferative phase?
This phase fill the wound with granulation tissue and
covers it with epithelial tissue
How long does the maturation phase of wound healing last?
21 days - 2 yrs
Main function of the maturation phase?
Healing processes are remodeling and tensile strength is increasing
In what phase will the wound be closed or covered with new epithelial tissue?
Proliferative phase